Friday, March 9, 2012

b r e a t h e

 Thank you so much for enjoying my Friday moments.
I have had so many lovely comments and I promise, I will keep them going.

I know I am not alone in saying that times are tough about now.  
I am currently an out of work Teacher's Aide.  It's kinda getting me down.
I also know that my life is what I make of it, and it's up to me to take control.

I miss being in the classroom with these wonderful little students.  I would say to them 'You can be anything you want to be - anything in the whole wide world.'  And it's true, they can be anything they want to be and it's been my job to help them in the classroom today, so that tomorrow, they can live their dream (even if it is to be a ninja).  I love finding books about stuff they like each week, I love hearing them breeze through a word that they got a bit stuck on last week and high-fiving them because it's easy peasy.  I love helping the teacher in the classroom with a group of students, or preparations, so she can concentrate on one on one or deliver the lesson knowing that when the students are ready to do the lesson everything is there at hand to begin.  

I love it.
I miss it.

These little people are our next generation of Mums, Dads, Leaders, Teachers, Doctors, Garbage Collectors, Olympians, Scientists, Carers, Animal Rescue, Pilots, Farmers, and of course Ninjas, and I have been so very blessed to have met each and every one of them.  

I can't not be me, I can't change the things I love to do. 
So today's Take A Moment is a reminder to me, and looking at that photo right now, is pretty much how I feel today, a bit sad, a bit mushed, but to accept that sometimes that's ok and just let it roll.  

I think I am going to stand at the bus stop this afternoon just like this, waiting for my two little boys to throw their darling arms about my neck, cause nothing beats their hugs, and today I really do need their hugs.

Ok, time to put my little violin away and get some work done.  

Thanks so much for stopping by my place today and reading my drivel.  
Sometimes it's just nice to get it out there.

Blessings to you and yours and always remember to be YOU.  

Be yourself, everyone else is already taken.

- Oscar Wilde -



Crochet with Raymonf said...

sorry to hear you are feeling blue Joyce, your perfect job is out there in the universe, just waiting for you to open up to it, many blessings to you

'Joyce' said...

Hullo Alice and Miss Prudence, thank you for your lovely words of wisdom. xx. Some days it's just nice to let the flatness flow over me and not fight it. Then I can accept that it's ok to feel low, cause tomorrow, WILL be better. Happy weekending with you and yours. xx